
This is our class structure for Term 2 2024.


Teacher Name Year  Classroom Number
Tanya Shepherd / Andrea Cowcher Teacher, Kindergarten Kindergarten, All groups, Offsite
Stevie Savage / Jacqui Wood Teacher, Pre-Primary PPB
Ingrid Byway  Teacher, Year 1 Room 10 
Thalia Hobbs Teacher, Year 1/2 Room 12
Holly Cramer Teacher, Year 2 Room 11
Kellie Atherton Teacher, Year 2/3 Room 7
Renae Siciliano Teacher, Year 3 Room 14
Macy Arvidson Teacher, Year 4 Room 13
Tineke Conlon Teacher, Year 4/5 Room 3
Layla Marcollini Teacher, Year 5/6 Room 1
Chloe Franklin Teacher, Year 5/6 Room 2

When formulating our classes, the school considers many aspects to produce an even spread of academic, behavioural and social abilities.


At Narrogin Primary School we use an innovative program - Class Solver - to support this process. Class Solver allows each classroom teacher and the administration team to input information about the students, and the program then formulates balanced and appropriate classes.


If you would like the administrative staff to consider your special request for student placement for any year, please write your request, put it in a sealed envelope addressed to “The Principal” and hand it into the front office.


Parent requests may relate to a child's social or emotional needs on a case-by-case basis. We ask that out of respect for our staff, and because we have not formulated a set structure at this time, parents are mindful of not making specific teacher requests.

Although parent requests will be taken into consideration when working out class placements, they will not be binding in our placement of students into their classes.