If a student has a medical need (eg allergies, anaphylaxis, asthma, diabetes) that requires care or could lead to an emergency, the parent/responsible person will need to organise to meet with the Deputy Principal to complete an “Action Plan”, which describes the nature of the condition and the action to be taken. These action plans may also need to be ‘signed off’ by a medical practitioner.
It is the responsibility of the parent to keep their child’s teacher and school administration informed of any changes to their child’s condition including changes of medication and/or procedure so the student’s action plan can be updated. Action Plans must be updated annually.
We don’t have adequate facilities or enough staff members to care for sick children. Children who are unwell need to stay home to ‘mend’ and prevent infecting other children. If your child becomes sick during the day, you will be contacted and expected to arrange the collection of your child as soon as possible.
Parents must complete the appropriate forms in order for medication to be administered. Medication needs to be provided in a labelled container (name of student, name of medication, dose to be taken). Minimal quantities only should be sent to school unless prior agreement is made with the school. School staff will only administer medication in accordance with instructions or the advice of a medical authority. Form 3 – Administration of Medication form, is available at the front office.
Some students at our school have a severe allergy to nuts and are susceptible to anaphylactic shock. Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction and is potentially life threatening. In order for the school to minimise the risk for these students, it is requested that parents do not send foods containing any type of nuts (including peanuts, tree nuts, peanut butter and nutella) to school with their child. The sharing of food can be a further risk and we would ask you to work with the staff at the school to discourage this practice.