Are you having trouble with Connect? Check out this handy guide!
A reminder too Parents that the school has a lost property box, located on the verandah opposite Room 8. If your child has lost their jacket, jumper, towel, shoes, track pants, polo shirt, water bottle, lunch box, bike helmet etc, please ask them to check the box.
One of our past students, Mr Michael Maxwell, recently participated in Book Week with two of his publications, ‘Tom’s Lullaby’ and ‘Emily’s Walk’. Narrogin Primary School was lucky enough to receive a copy of each book donated to our library recently.
Please be aware that all incentive activities that we run or award around attendance will be based on student data and only takes into account ‘Unauthorised or Unknown’ absences.
Kindergarten enrolments for 2025 are now open. Applications close on Friday 19 July 2024. If your child was born between July 2020 to 30 June 2021 they will be eligble to enrol. Applications submitted by the deadline form part of the school's first round offer.
Well done to everyone for your outstanding work for our Open Classrooms last night! It was a huge success!!Our classrooms looked amazing. Have a look at the photo's on our home page and check out our Facebook page and newsletter in week 10 for more.