P&C Associations are an officially recognised forum where anyone interested in the welfare of government schools can meet to discuss educational issues.
The objects of an association are to promote the interests of the school or group of schools for which it is formed through -
(a) cooperation between parents, teachers, students and members of the general community;
(b) assisting in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities for the school or schools; and
(c) the fostering of community interest in educational matters. School Education Act 1999, part 3, division 8, subdivision 2,section 143 (1).
P&C’s give parents an opportunity to learn about the school’s policies and programs; organising ways in which parents can share in shaping and developing school policies; bring parents together to share information and views; assist the school in building positive attitudes to students and their families; help raise funds to provide extra resources.
WASSCO Effective P&C Association Booklet
Please click the link to access our School Website Canteen Page
School Uniforms
Please click the link to access our School Website Uniform Page
Please note the school hats are available for purchase from the Canteen for $10.00 each.
Narrogin Primary School P&C Office Bearers 2024
Julie Davies
Vice President
Jacinta Russell
Danielle Kulker
Chandelle Brien Boothey
Executive Members
Suzi Whitford - Uniform
Kym Kerr - Canteen
TBA - Kindy/ P-P
Canteen Convener & Treasurer
Amanda McDonald & Kym Kerr
School Board Representative
Principal - Eloisa Goss or
Deputy Principal - Holli Hanson
Uniform Co-ordinator
Suzi Whitford
Uniform Representatives
Rachel Borgas
Year 6 Camp Fundraising Representative
Courtney Saunders
Chelsea Allinson
Narrogin PS Pre-Primary & Kindergarten P&C Sub Committee Office Bearers 2024
Hannah Franz
Vice Convenor
Sophie Wilkinson
Natalie Draper
Dani Franz
Ordinary Committee Members
Megan Grover
Lauren Screech