Each of our factions (Red, Green, Gold) are represented by male and female Year 6 Faction Captains and Vice Captains for each of our school faction events.
During the start of Term 1 and 3, our Year 6 students are invited to nominate themselves to be awarded the role of Faction Captain or Vice Captain for that Semester only. It is not assumed that the same students will represent their faction all year.
Student Councillors are also allowed to nominate themselves for the roles of Faction Captain or Vice Captain.
All students in Years 4-6 and Faction teachers participate in an anonymous vote where one vote is equal to one value.
Those students with the highest number of votes are elected as Faction Captain and Vice Captains and are announced at our next senior sport session and our next whole school assembly.
Our Faction Captains and Vice Captains for Semester Two 2024 are:
Grace Ewen
Reece McDonald